Super Joints
The Drills: Joint Mobility
1. Three plane neck movements
2. Shoulder circles
3. Fist exercise
4. Wrist rotations
5. Elbow circles
6. The Egyptian
7. Russian pool
8. Arm circles
9. Ankle circles
10. Knee circles
11. Squat
12. Hula hoop
13. Belly dance
14. The Cossack
15. Split switches
16. Spine flexion/extension
17. Spine rotation
The Drills: Strength-Flexibility Plus More Joint Mobility
18. Windmill
19. Pink panther straight-legged situp
20. Bridge
21. 'Bathtub push'
22. 'Ghost Pulling Knife'
23. Shoulder dislocate with a bungee cord
24. Shoulder blade spread
25. Side wall reach
26. Pink Panther knee chambers and kicks
27. Pink Panther Arabesque
28. More height and power to your kicks with the scissors maneuver